New York

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Spring Valley, New York CD Rates – 4-Year

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Below are four-year CD Rates from banks in New York . Four-Year Certificates of Deposit (CD) are not as popular as the three and five year terms which means the rates often aren’t as competitive. The best four year cd rates are often only marginally above the 3 year rates. Nevertheless, for those who want to lock in a rate for a longer period of time, 4 year cds are worth a look.

Spring Valley, NY - March 28, 2025

4 Year CD National Average : 0.82% ?


Rate History: 4.50% → 3.50% → 3.90%

Rate History: 4.52% → 4.27% → 3.91% → 3.85% → 3.75%

Rate History: 3.80% → 3.70% → 3.65%

| Oct 2, 2015

I have a CD maturing on 11/15 please email your CD Rates and contact info. Read More

Rate History: 4.05% → 3.95% → 3.75% → 3.55% → 3.50%

| Jan 2, 2024

Like others, I've been with Capital One and its predecessor ING Direct since 2007. I've also been getting cheap bank rates on my savings account and didn't realize that there was something better, although... Read More

Rate History: 4.10% → 4.20% → 3.80% → 3.65% → 3.45%

Rate History: 4.00% → 3.75% → 3.85% → 3.75% → 3.35%

| Apr 25, 2022

We would not be having all this trouble with people sealing money out of other people's bank accounts if we were to just stop using fancy banking like onlinebanki Read More

Rate History: 3.75% → 4.00% → 3.25%

| Mar 25, 2020

I was told on the phone by a bank rep that my present money market acct interest rate would continue at 2.25% until June 30, 2020 and would be FDIC covered up to $250,000. Please verify if this is true???... Read More

| Jul 1, 2022

Very easy opening process and wonderful staff. Read More

Rate History: 2.85% → 2.60%

| Feb 25, 2022

I joined Citi with a Costco-VISA card. An Accelerate followed, and then a checking account. Costco-VISA is necessary for using a credit card at Costco, otherwise cash is necessary. Accelerate Savings w... Read More

Rate History: 2.00% → 2.50% → 2.00%

| Jan 2, 2023

Terrible customer service by investment side. Fees too high , too full of themselves Read More

Rate History: 0.10% → 1.50%

| Apr 4, 2016

I been with trustco for years and it is well run. They really are a home town bank. As a small business person i appreciate the business card stand they have in the branches for there customers. I was w... Read More




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All rates listed are Annual Percentage Yield (APY). The Min listed is the minimum deposit account balance required to obtain the rate listed.

BestCashCow strives to maintain the most accurate rates. If you believe a rate is not accurate, please let us know.


Four Year CDs - Branch Banks 2025

Four year CDs are a longer-term CD and offer a fixed rate for 4 years in return for a commitment to keep the money in the bank for this period of time. While savers can withdraw the money (termed "breaking the CD") high penalties make this undesirable. Generally, an individual should not invest in a four year CD unless they are comfortable parting with the money for this period of time.


Four year CDs from FDIC insured banks are insured up to FDIC limits (generally $250,000 per account holder per bank). If your deposit is over the FDIC limit then you may not receive the uninsured money in case of a bank failure. For this who remain within FDIC limits, the principal threat is inflation. The value of longer-term CDs are especially prone to be eaten away by inflation, especially if the CD is opened in a rising rate environment.


Four year CDs currently pay between .40-.60 percentage points more in interest than a one year CD. In general, CDs of this duration are best opened as part of a laddered CD portfolio or if the depositor thinks that rates will either stagnate or drop over the next couple of years. To get a sense of rate trends, please visit our BestCashCow rate analysis page.


Advantages of four year CDs

  • 4 year CDs provide a fixed rate for the term of the CD
  • The rate is higher than a savings account or a 1 year CD to compensate for the longer term.
  • Branch-opened CDs can be done quickly in one day.

Disadvantages of four year CDs

  • The saver's money is locked away for four years unless they want to break the CD and pay a penalty.
  • In a rising rate environment, inflation will reduce the value of the money in the CD over time.
  • Branch CDs require the saver to visit a branch and be subjected to cross-sell pitches and other marketing tactics.

All banks listed on BestCashCow are FDIC insured; strongly recommends that you stay within FDIC insurance limits and that if you are unsure of how the limits affect you, please visit the FDIC website.

To understand all of the income generating options available to a saver, please view the Income Generating Investments Comparison Chart.


Find out how much extra money you can earn by moving your bank money into an account that pays more.

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